Novelty Singles. Mr Blobby, Spitting Image & Timmy Mallett's Itsy Bitsy Bikini- Which did you have on cassette?

I was chatting on Twitter this morning about how our son went and put his Daddy's new Fleetwood Mac Rumours vinyl on while I was in the shower. People were commenting on how well we were 'training' him to be a little muso, so I set the record straight (ha!) by admitting he also has his own iPod touch filled with Psy, One Direction and LMFAO.

But I believe a healthy interested in pop music from a young age is no bad thing for a serious muso either. One of my favourite, current music writers is Northern Irish born Edwin McFee,  is also a pop lover. I've happy, drunken 2003-ish memories of dancing around his living room in his student house with him, and friends Karen and David, to his press copy of Flip Reverse It by the Blazin' Squad on repeat, after spending the evening watching a somber Mark Lanegan gig.

Pop rocks, and here are some of the novelty singles from the 1980s & early 1990s that invaded my consciousness. I'd be very keen to hear which songs you bought as a child. Comment or let me know on Twitter.
