Sneaky Homemade Starbucks Iced Mocha, Made with the GAT Winner Espresso Pot

I simply can't afford to buy coffee from the big chain cares any more, but that doesn't mean I have to go without iced mochas this summer. ​

With the GAT Winner Espresso Pots you can make espresso on your stove top as a base for your iced coffee recipe. Once you have your super strong, concentrated espresso, you can add cocoa powder, or as I do a big pump of Sweetbird Mocha Syrup. You can store this mix in the fridge in a mug, then when you want to make your iced coffee just pour out a little bit of your mix, add milk and ice and you have what tastes exactly like the in store blend you pay £3 for.​


Another cool idea is use a little bit of your mocha mix in contracted form, add it to a tin of condensed milk, pour into lolly moulds and freeze. Coffee lolly pops!

The GAT Winner Espresso Pots are available from Top Gourmet.​
