Cable & Cotton, Grown Up Fairy Lights You Can Design Yourself

When I was 13 I had the great want to be an interior Designer. Most of my scribbled, felt tip masterpieces included an important accessory- fairy lights. My favourite idea was to cover a ceiling in fake ivy, with twinkling fairy lights poking between the leaves. Absolutely lovely for the Rainforest Cafe, but not really okay with my parents in a suburban home. I did however cello tape some pieces of plastic ivy up the wall beside my bed, and wound some plain white fairy lights through that. As you can imagine, this looked INCREDIBLE. Ahem. 

Anyway, the fairy lights thing still hadn't abated even though I'm now 32. A few years ago I bought bird shaped fairy lights in Ikea, and I've a string of lampshaded, twee lights inside one of my cabinets.  But most people's houses are more stylish than mine, and that's where I introduce you to Cable and Cotton.



These beautiful linenesque globed lights are gentle mood lighting suitable for any home. The globes come in dozens of colours, and you can handpick the colour scheme you desire on the website, and choose the number of lights too.

I picked one of the preselected colour schemes, mojito, as I knew the colours would be right with our vintage print duvet. The lights are on a clear string, so no ugly green wires when it's day time.  


And how gorgeous does this wedding look with a ceiling of Cable and Cotton lighting? I also think small shops could be very funky by decorating their window or shop with lights in their exact logo colours. Very eye catching. Prices start at around £24.


If you are living near Brighton, you can visit the first Cable and Cotton store. It looks like my dream shop. 
