Local Lady Sera & Her New Cosmopolitan Pink Hair. Let's Help Her Win a Blog Award.

This year The World of Kitsch didn't make it into the Cosmo Blog Award finals, BUT my good friend Sera's blog The Agoraphobic Fashionista did, so my mission is to repay all the times she has supported me in blog awards, and ask all of you, my readers, to join me in voting for her to win her category.  

Sera is a fashion & beauty blogger but the interesting spin on her personal blog is the fact she speaks openly about mental health and her struggle to cope with her illness. Sadly that is the very reason she is unable to attend the actual Cosmo Awards event, which is always great fun, but she has given them a little nod with her brand new, hot Cosmo-pink hair-do. I love it! 

To help Sera win the Lifestyle Category, vote here for The Agoraphobic Fashionista.
