Heroes in a Half Shell They're Back!

Turtles are back. As a person born in 1980, I grew shouting, "Cowabunga, dudes!" in the playground. Santa brought me the figure of Michael-Angelo, he was my favourite because he was funny. It's a little weird to think that in 1987 or so the supermarkets didn't even stock pizza in Northern Ireland, now in 2013 you can eat like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

And in 2013 a new generation of boys & girls are getting to know the pretentiously named, reptilian foursome through a swanky CGI series broadcast on Nickelodeon. This also mean shelves of TMNT figures appearing, and if you have a husband like mine, it means some very excited Dads in the toy aisle reliving their youth. 

 Flair sent us a Pizza Flining Mikey and Mutagen Ooze Ralph to play with. Guess who was the most excited by the post that day.


The Flinger range, You load Michael-Angelo with pizzas in a post box in his backpack, and when you roll him across the floor they shoot out. Easy to load for a five year old by themselves, not fiddly like Pez or anything. Son thought it was very cool.


Daddy was allowed to play with the slightly smaller Mutagion Ooze Turtle. This one has a back pack that loads with ooze goo that comes with the figure. You can also buy tubes of replacement ooze in toy shops. My initial reaction was, oh dear, I'm going to have give the review a negative point on this, no parent wants to bring gooey mess into the house. Even when my husband was loading it into the back of the Turle my mind was already half way to the kitchen for a cloth to clean up the inevitable mess.



Weirdly however, whatever its made of, doesn't leave residue or mess. I'm saying that after cleaning it off wooden floor, carpet rug and out of a bad (or a good) shot that landed in my son's head. It kind of bond to itself and picks up like a solid. So I'm giving the ooze a thumbs up.  


Father and son have played with the Turtles all day, apart from the two hours he was at his friend's birthday party, from which he returned with his face painted as a Turtle. I think they have snared another life long fan. 

Toys available from Smyths, Tesco, Toys R Us and all other good stockists. 
