WIN a 3 Day Trial of The New You Plan. Will It Be Your Weight Loss Wonder?


If you read my blog regularly you'll have seen my trial week of the total food replacement diet,  The New You Plan. It's the brain child of a local Northern Irish woman, Julie-Ann, who has built up the brand from scratch. There are other total food replacement diets out there, but the key to New You is the Secret Slimmers Facebook Page, made up of hundreds of customers sharing their highs & lows, successes & slip ups. The support you get from it is priceless, and talking to women who have lost 3 or 4 stone on th plan motivates you to stick with it.


I've put together a prize pack from products I've bought from them myself, but I really want to give someone else a chance to try the diet plan themselves, so I've boxed a three day supply of products. New You Plan have supplied a tshirt and mixer bottle for the shakes for the winner also. They also will give you access to the private Secret Slimmers group.


My own weight loss is going well, I was 9st 12 about six weeks ago, and I'm 9st 3 now. This was partially done with New You. It was the kick start I needed. 

Should you want to go ahead and place an order yourself in the meantime, there are some excellent bundle discounts at the moment. 


Good luck, and if you've any questions then you can tweet me @rudedoodle. Please also note the advice below before starting any kind of low calorie diet. 
