Smix Brix's Minecraft Yo Sushi 3.0

My son's favourite restaurant is Yo Sushi! He's aged 8 and loves cucumber maki and prawn nigiri. When I was 8 I didn't know sushi existed, never mind being better with a pair of chopsticks than my parents. In fact the first time I had sushi was 2007, in Dublin, when I was pregnant with Smix; maybe that's why he loves it? 

He love love loves Yo Sushi! Belfast and one day decided to build the Belfast store in Minecraft. In Autumn he built version 2.0 which I blogged about.

When he heard Yo Sushi! Belfast had emailed me inviting us both along to try out their new Tokyo menu experience, he decided he would make Minecraft Yo Sushi! 3.0 to show them on the night. 


The third generation Minecraft restaurant now has lights you can switch on and off, and switches to halt the sushi train (minecart) beside your booth. You can see the minecart swooshing alone round the track in the photo below. Inside the cart is a little chest you can open to reveal your dish. Pretty cool!


So tomorrow night is our rendezvous with Yo Sushi! Belfast and we both can't wait. I'll be sharing all the juicy details of the new Tokyo menu, what's hot and if any are not.