Quite Frankly Bonkers Bizarre Taxidermy on eBay RIGHT NOW (even I am a little freaked out)
/In the spirit of my wanting to return to the Blog's roots, and without a charity shop raid this weekend, I thought a delve into the treasures of eBay might be a good substitute.
All these items are on the site right now and can be found by searching 'taxidermy unusual'. Unusual is an under statement.
Armadillo handbag for your arm-adillo
What even is this? A mouse with rabbit ears sewn on? A freakish nightmare gone wrong?
Again, what the hell was this when it was alive?!
This taxidermist has bought a bulk set of the wrong sized eyes for these beasts and has thought, 'screw it, they'll do anyway'.
Right at first glance this just looks like a rather sassy badger, but looking closer it has a fox's tail and legs. There must be some crazy taxidermy lab somewhere stitching together these freaks of nature.
Merry Christmas.
What is this? I give up.