Stunning Tome of Poster Art from The Disney Parks

My Christmas present from my brother. A spot on gift for me. I collect books about Disney Parks, and I adore the vintage attraction posters, especially the retro futuristic style seen in posters for Epcot and Tomorrowland. Thank you, Michael!

If there's a certain favourite attraction you would like me to check for the poster of, give me a poke on Twitter @rudedoodle

If there's a certain favourite attraction you would like me to check for the poster of, give me a poke on Twitter @rudedoodle

BLOG FRIENDLY BRANDS! Can Your Product Help Us Hack House-moving? Plus- 17 Crazy Cool Retro Futuristic Homes You'd Love to Live In

Hello blog-reading brands! Want to do some blogger outreach and be seen on this blog which averages 14,500+ unique visitors a month worldwide? (source 

We, the Smyth family, are, fingers-tightly-crossed,  buying our first home at the end of October. We've already started sorting, boxing and tidying up our beloved, little seaside rental we've lived in the past four years. I thought it might be worth while putting my blagging-bloggy feelers out and asking, "does your brand have any products that can make moving house easier?". Feel free to email me on and we can work something out that benefits both parties.

In the meantime, how about these real life retro futuristic living spaces and buildings? Architectural swoon. 

Ikea. I Don't Mean to be Rude but, Shut Up and Take My Money!!!

Sweet baby Jesus. Ikea have brought back their first ever piece of flat pack furniture. The table that started it all. The one, the only Lovbacken side table. First released in 1956 she's a work of mid-century perfection.  

Ive looked high and low for tables like this, and picked up a few in my time. The slanty legs, the Formica type wooden top, it's just beautiful. I want one. And it's only £40.   The tables I've seen before are vintage, but usually badly marked and more expensive than that. I hate the go-to comparison of Mad Men era, but this is about as Mad Men as you can get. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if you were fighting Don Draper in the pick up aisle for the last flat pack.

Ikea Belfast have them in stock already, alternatively check out Ikea Online. 


1982 EPCOT Creating the New World of Tomorrow Book

I'm a little obsessed with the retro futurism in Walt Disney's EPCOT Centre. Some of the most twee rides and attractions have now been upgraded and no longer have the same stylings. I bought myself this book, all the behind the scenes info and some brilliant illustrations and photography about the true EPCOT as it opened.