Introducing Michael's Own YouTube Channel 'Smix Brix'
/I can hardly believe it, but may I introduce my son's own vlog Smix Brix. 'Brix' because following in the footsteps of Stampy & that Squid fella, Smix started making his own Minecraft videos about a month ago, which I edited a bit and uploaded to my own channel.
The viewership so far has mostly just been his school mates, so to save him having to direct them to his embarrassing mum's channel, I set up his own. I've always been too mortified to make the leap from blogging to vlogging, but with millions of kids tuning into daily videos from Stampy & friends, talking to camera seems to come much more naturally.
The man himself in action
Michael usually gives me an 8-10 minute video which I crudely chop and cut down to about 3 mins. It's not a professional job, but it sort of works enough for what he wants it to look like.
It would really make his day if you clicked through and add to his views or even subscribe! If it doesn't interest you, it certainly might be a winner with your kids. As well as Minecraft he has showed us his Playmobil Fun Fair waltzer his Granny got him for his birthday.
His latest video is about more birthday gifts he received, including Minecraft Lego, a replica torch, red stone ore lamp, Minecraft Hints & Cheats annual, and finally Stampy's Lovely Book.