Happy Veggies Celebrate National Vegetarian Week at M&S
/National Vegetarian Week runs from 18th - 24th May and it's a great opportunity to discover some meat-free alternative recipes for your family. There are tonnes of resources and recipes on the Vegetarian Society website https://www.vegsoc.org/ , ditto on the Marks and Spencer site http://www.marksandspencer.com/s/food-and-wine/vegetarian-and-healthy
I'm a huge fan of M&S meals, and finding which ones are veggie friendly are really easy. There's also a great list on their site of every single item they sell which would be suitable for vegans. This is really handy, as working out which meals are completely animal product free can be more complicated. http://health.marksandspencer.com/uploads/pdfs/Vegans.pdf
But, onwards to my choices!
For a really straight forward family-sized 'let's try something veggie tonight' you can't beat this huge, rainbow coloured pasta melt.
Quiche £2.50 : Tomatoes £2.30
Of course M&S has a dedicated, all year round, vegetarian selection.
Lasange £2.70 : Peppers £2.70
Curry £3.00 : Sticks £1.25
For ready to cook oven veg, try the fresh vegetable section.
£2.00 each
Vegetarians are really well catered for in the snack and lunch department. The wasabi mayo potato salad is one of my favourite M&S products EVER.
Waldorf Salad £2 : Wasabi Potato Salad £2 : Falafel Snack £2.70
This feta pasta salad is another one of my own repeat purchases. It's really colourful and delicious.
A few new lunchtime snack items. Really keen to try the sugar snap pea salad with the peanut & coconut cream dip. And I love the little pot with two boiled eggs in it, super even for a snack for a toddler on the go.
Salad £3 : egg pot £1.50
Another of the new range, and really these are only a fraction of the veggie options for lunches. No boring egg and onion sandwiches for the M&S veggie!
Here's where I would never have realised you would need a veggie option. I thought sweets were just sweets, but apparently the gelatine used in regular sweets make them unsuitable for vegetarians. Luckily M&S come to the rescue with a wide range of gummy sweets. Each pack is £1.50 or two for £2.50. I tried the veggie Percy Pigs two years ago, and preferred the texture, so I've always bought them when possible. My new favourite are the Percy Pens. I'm embarrassed to say I demolished the whole pack last night!
I also spotted these little strawberry plants for sale. I've tried growing them before and struggled, so if like me you'd love your own strawberry supply, M&S is a great place to start!
Happy vegetarian week, everyone!