On the 10th Day of Christmas @Rudedoodle Gave to Me- Ten Tiny But Tremendous Finger Tattoos

Happy New Year's Eve! Wave goodbye to 2016 and pray 2017 isn't its bigger, badder brother. 

I wonder am I being a bit of a hypocrite by featuring hand and finger tattoos for the 10th day of Kitschmas countdown, or count-up. 

I rarely mention it on here these days, but I'm actually quite covered in tattoos. I've a complete upper sleeve on my left arm, with large pieces on the lower arm also. I've two swallows in the traditional chest-piece location. 

Then, there's my finger tattoo. Or there was. One night in 2005 my then boyfriend & I went to a party in South Belfast, stayed up all night & in the morning, walked into central Belfast to the tattoo studio we both went to at the time, and asked the artist to give us a black star each, on our wedding band finger. 

A good tattoo artist, like the one I ended up going to for my sleeve etc. would have flat out refused us. My tattoo artist now told me he would never have tattooed my hand when at the time I was really only someone who had two tiny existing tattoos. I wasn't someone with full sleeves, running out of room to place designs, so moving to my hands by default. 

In the business hand, finger and neck & face tattoos can be nicknamed 'jobstoppers' because of their anti-social notoriety.

There's also the fact that I'm quite sure after being up all night partying, we should have been refused for still being under the influence of alcohol. 

If that wasn't enough of a clue to refuse us that day, then maybe the fact we were still in bloody fancy dress might have helped. It hadn't even been a fancy dress party but we had turned up as Hunter S Thompson and a princess. 

Nevertheless we left that morning with a jobstopper each. Convieniently considering we had them on our ring fingers, we ended up getting married. By that point however I hated mine completely. It made my hand look grubby, and it wasn't even well drawn, one side was thicker than the other. Wearing a wedding ring over it still looked bad, as the edges poked out. 

My husband knew I hated how mine looked, but he still liked his, and said he would like to get his other fingers done too. So I felt if I did research tattoo removal it would hurt his feelings even more so than me saying I hated mine had done any time I brought it up.

Then in Nov 2014 we split- and by Christmas I had been for my first Tattoo Removal Laser session at Indulgence by Susan's home spa in Lisburn.

Goodbye tacky finger tattoo! 

I had about four sessions with Susan and as you can see there is no scarring whatsoever. I could do with one final session to just blast that little bit of ink that remains where the thicker line was, so Susan, I will see you in the new year! 

So maybe I'm being hypocritical featuring the very tattoo spot I disliked, but that's because it can suit other people. The artwork on show here is a lot better than my wonky star. 

But I would advise anyone thinking of getting a tattoo in a place that cannot be covered easily, try drawing it on for a few weeks and see how you feel and how it looks with your different clothing & in different situations, because laser removal hurts ten times worse than getting the tattoo put on! 

On the 8th Day of Kitschmas @Rudedoodle Gave to Me- Eight Splendidly Tremendous Octopus Tattoos


I know an octopus isn't Christmassy, but we are almost at New Year, so I'm tailing off for these last few daily posts.  


I hope you've enjoyed my Kitschmas countdown. I've actually enjoyed finding cool stuff to share with you, my long-term, faithful readers. 


This is actually how www.TheWorldofKitsch.com began. My room mate from 2005, @TheRonster suggested I made a blog to share the Kitsch stuff I would buy for my home from charity shops. About six months in I started having the chance to work with brands, and I've really gotten so caught up in it that I now only really blog when I've been kindly sent something to try out, or been somewhere to experience. 


How would you like me to slip in a blog post more like this again, maybe at least a week? I have old posts like one where I shared behind the scenes photos from Layrinth that has had 67 views today alone and another post about a beauty range that has the scent of Parma Violet sweets viewed 51 times today also. They are consistently in my most viewed list, and the latter was posted in 2014.


So that shows both my niche blog posts and brands that are unique and featured by me coming to them and not vice versa, have worked out as well as any of my big, exciting partnership with local, national and worldwide brands.​

So in 2017 I will make one resolution to return to my blogging roots more often. I hope you are enjoying my 12 Days of Kitschmas in the meantime.​


Cheer Yourself Up Post-Budget With a Splurge in Snixy Swoon's 70% off Summer Sale


I featured Snixy Swoon a fortnight ago, and I've been wearing the samples she kindly sent me for review ever since. There were a couple of other pieces I wanted to buy for myself, so I visited her Etsy today to buy them. Turns out I visited on the right day! The store has just added a 70% & a 50% off, summer sale catagory, with little cat necklaces for just £2. I picked some of them and one of the huge, floral, statement necklaces I was after for £12.50 rather than over £20, which they are definitely worth.


Have a visit yourself and scoop up a bargain  










Loads of tiki pieces starting from £3.50

Loads of tiki pieces starting from £3.50