Tattoo Artist Bob Done Will Be Painting Personal Designs for 24 Hours Straight. You Can Get One Too! For Free! #DoMeAPaintingBob

Crazy, bearded genius that he is, Bob Done will be painting personal mini-tattoos based on people's loves and likes depicted in their Instagram feeds. Bob started the hashtag #DoMeAPaintingBob a few weeks back, and if you reposted his image with the hashtag, a few days later a little personalised painting would pop up in your feed.

I love mine, a cupcake castle, because I love buns and home interiors. 

Want a chance to get your own, unique Bob Done doodle? Visit his Instagram feed for details, post a pic with his hashtag and tune in for his 24 hour paint-a-thon this week.

Absolutely all designs copyright Bob Done

Absolutely all designs copyright Bob Done


Whimsical Pancake Cottages

I recently paired up with Dan Lacey, painter of pancakes, as my US/UK Candy Swap penpal match. I'm hoping to post him some Tayto Titanic crisps- I wonder will he post me any pancakes?

I love the work he's been doing this past few weeks. Thomas Kinkade inspired pancake houses. Available on eBay now.

"This is my, large 2 by 3 foot painting of a pancake cottage, inspired by the work of the great Thomas Kinkade. I call this painting 'The Breakfast Cottage.'

This painting again has great detail and is great fun.  The painting is in acrylic on a stretched, wrap-around canvas, with the edge of the canvas painted in metallic bronze.  A delightful original, one-of-a-kind accompanyment to anyone who collects Thomas Kinkade."

Super Realistic Giant Waffles, Sweeties & Sushi Floor Mats for your Home

I first came across Sydney's hand painted trompe l'oeil work back in 2008. I got very excited when I found her sushi floor mat on eBay & bought it to brighten up my kitchen. Besides the excellent quality of the art work, as a practical product it has lasted brightly & without rips in our busy kitchen.

Product reviews aside, you can't ignore Sydney's talent for hyper real, larger than life trompe l'oeil. She now showcases and sells work through Etsy, so if you fancy owning big cupcake, giant slice of tomato, or commissioning your own favourite food to be made into a mat visit